Our scientifically formulated Ferrous Sulphate (Soil) solution utilizes ferrous sulfate to improve nutrient absorption and promote healthy plant growth. This highly effective agricultural ingredient provides essential nutrients for increased yield and quality. Our product is designed for optimal results, ensuring that your plants receive the necessary nutrients.
Here's a description of its uses:
Micronutrient Fertilizer: Ferrous sulfate serves as a source of iron, an essential micronutrient required by plants for various physiological processes, including chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis, and enzyme activation. Iron deficiency in plants can lead to chlorosis, stunted growth, and reduced crop yields, particularly in alkaline or calcareous soils where iron availability is limited. Ferrous sulfate is applied as a micronutrient fertilizer to correct iron deficiencies and promote healthy plant growth. It is commonly used in crops such as citrus fruits, grapes, ornamental plants, and turfgrass to enhance green coloration, increase yield, and improve overall plant vigor.
Soil Acidifier: Ferrous sulfate acts as a soil acidifier when applied to alkaline or calcareous soils with elevated pH levels. High soil pH can lead to iron deficiency in plants, as iron becomes less soluble and unavailable for root uptake under alkaline conditions. Ferrous sulfate acidifies the soil, lowering pH levels and increasing iron availability to plants. This helps prevent or alleviate iron deficiency symptoms and improve crop productivity in alkaline soils. Additionally, ferrous sulfate can help correct soil pH imbalances and improve nutrient availability for plants.
Moss Control: Ferrous sulfate is used for moss control on lawns, turfgrass, and other outdoor surfaces. Mosses thrive in moist, shaded areas with poor drainage and acidic soil conditions. Ferrous sulfate kills moss by causing dehydration and oxidative damage to moss cells. When applied to moss-infested areas, ferrous sulfate quickly turns moss black or brown, indicating its effectiveness. After treatment, moss can be easily removed from surfaces, restoring the aesthetic appeal of lawns and landscapes.
Weed Control: Ferrous sulfate is employed as a non-selective herbicide for weed control in agricultural fields, orchards, vineyards, and non-crop areas. When sprayed on weeds, ferrous sulfate desiccates plant tissues, causing them to wither and die. It is particularly effective against broadleaf weeds, mosses, and algae. Ferrous sulfate herbicides are used to manage weeds in driveways, sidewalks, fence lines, and other areas where mechanical or cultural control methods are impractical. However, caution must be exercised when using ferrous sulfate herbicides to avoid damage to desirable plants and surfaces.
Livestock Supplement: Ferrous sulfate can be used as a nutritional supplement for livestock to prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is a common nutritional disorder in livestock, leading to decreased growth rates, lethargy, and pale mucous membranes. Ferrous sulfate supplements can help maintain adequate iron levels in animal diets, improving blood hemoglobin levels and overall health. It is commonly administered orally or added to feed rations for livestock such as cattle, pigs, and poultry.
Overall, ferrous sulfate plays a crucial role in agriculture for correcting iron deficiencies, acidifying soil, controlling moss and weeds, and supplementing livestock nutrition. Its diverse applications contribute to improved crop yields, soil fertility, and animal health, making it an essential component of modern agricultural practices. However, it's important to use ferrous sulfate responsibly, following recommended guidelines and application rates, to minimize potential risks to the environment and human health.