With 98% purity, our Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate (SDDC) is a highly effective agricultural solution. This scientifically-proven ingredient aids in plant growth, disease resistance, and soil conditioning, making it a valuable addition to any farming practice. Expertly formulated for maximum results, SDDC is a must-have for any agricultural operation.
Here's a description of its uses:
Fungicidal Properties: SDDC is primarily utilized as a fungicide for controlling fungal diseases in crops. It effectively inhibits the growth and reproduction of a wide range of fungal pathogens, including those causing damping-off, root rot, and foliar diseases. SDDC disrupts fungal cell metabolism and inhibits enzyme activity, leading to the suppression of fungal growth and the prevention of disease development in crops.
Seed Treatment: SDDC is commonly used as a seed treatment agent to protect seeds from fungal and bacterial infections. Seeds are treated with SDDC solutions before planting to disinfect the seed surface, eliminate seed-borne pathogens, and enhance seedling emergence and establishment. Seed treatment with SDDC helps prevent seedling diseases, improve stand uniformity, and promote early crop growth and vigor.
Soil Sterilization: SDDC is employed for soil sterilization and sanitation to control soil-borne pathogens and pests. It can be applied as a soil drench or incorporated into soil mixes to disinfect planting beds, containers, and greenhouse benches. SDDC treatments help eliminate soil-borne pathogens, nematodes, and weed seeds, creating a clean and pathogen-free growing environment for seedlings, transplants, and high-value crops.
Plant Growth Regulation: SDDC has been investigated for its potential role as a plant growth regulator, particularly in promoting root development and enhancing nutrient uptake in crops. It is believed to stimulate root growth and branching, improving the efficiency of nutrient and water absorption by plants. SDDC treatments may enhance root system development, increase root biomass, and improve plant resilience to environmental stresses, leading to improved crop growth and productivity.
Post-Harvest Preservation: SDDC is sometimes used for post-harvest preservation of fruits and vegetables to inhibit the growth of spoilage organisms and extend shelf life. It can be applied as a dip, spray, or fumigant to disinfect harvested produce, reduce microbial contamination, and prevent decay during storage and transportation. SDDC treatments help maintain the quality, freshness, and marketability of perishable crops, reducing post-harvest losses and ensuring consumer satisfaction.
Overall, Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (SDDC) offers several benefits in agriculture, including fungicidal properties for disease control, seed treatment for seedling protection, soil sterilization for pathogen management, potential plant growth regulation effects, and post-harvest preservation for crop quality maintenance. However, it's essential to use SDDC responsibly, following recommended application rates and safety precautions, to minimize potential risks to human health and the environment.